Very Berry Avocado Spinach Smoothie_Truth: I fed you chicken puff pastries and pancakes this week. I think it’s time to reel it back in. At least the pancakes were whole wheat! Great, now i’m making excuses for all of us! No need to bother coming up with your own, i’ve got you covered!

Truth: I love green smoothies. They taste great and are great for you!

Double Truth: They often turn out the color of sewage waste! And that sends most people running in the other direction. Why can’t a smoothie be good for you and pretty?

But wait, all we really need is a couple fists full or strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries to make it all purply and pretty.

Very Berry Avocado Spinach Smoothie 8This berry avocado spinach smoothie is my undo button. OR it’s my chance at a redo. That pizza I binged on last night, is begging to be chased by something nutritious and rib sticking good.

Spinach in smoothies is a great way to get a jump start on your health in the mornings. Greens in the tummy before cupcakes and donuts go in.

It’s my general rule of thumb.

Sip the greens and keep it lookin’ lean!

Very Berry Avocado Spinach Smoothie 4

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