Cheesy garlic pull apart bread that’s stuffed with fresh mozzarella, minced garlic, butter, and parsley. This is such a fun, edible centerpiece that would be great to serve when you’re entertaining!

Cheesy Garlic Pull Apart Bread - Load bread stuffed with fresh mozzarella cheese and melted garlic butter. You'll NEVER eat regular garlic bread EVER again! #garlicbread #pullapartbread #crackbread | Littlespicejar.comBread. Cheese. Garlic. Butter. <– Four out of the five best things known to man all stuffed inside one recipe. The last one is chocolate, incase you’re wondering 😉

I have a full on confession to make. And it ain’t pretty. I think i’ve eaten almost half of this loaf of pull apart bread — all by myself. It’s so inappropriate that while i’m thinking about it being so inappropriate, i’m also thinking about maybe sneaking another bite at the same time.


When it comes to food, I can practice self control all I want until garlic bread is involved. At that point, all rhyme or reason go flying out the door and a big hunk of garlic bread heads straight into my mouth. Oye!

Cheesy Garlic Pull Apart Bread - Load bread stuffed with fresh mozzarella cheese and melted garlic butter. You'll NEVER eat regular garlic bread EVER again! #garlicbread #pullapartbread #crackbread | Littlespicejar.comYou guys. We’re suppose to be making a salad today. SALAD. How did the word ‘salad’ evolve into cheesy garlic pull apart bread? Wait.. who cares HOW it happened. Fresh whole milk mozzarella cheese, tons of chopped garlic, a little butter, and lots of fresh herbs all stuffed inside a country style loaf. You like me just a tad bit better now don’tcha? I mean, a salad is a salad but GARLIC BREAD is garrrrrrliccc brrrrrreeead.

Can this be dinner every night? OH PLEASE.

Oh and by the way. Anees has declared this to be the BEST garlic bread he’s ever had. He doesn’t just throw that title around, so i’m going to say this recipe is 1000% approved by the BIGGEST garlic lover I know.

Cheesy Garlic Pull Apart Bread - Load bread stuffed with fresh mozzarella cheese and melted garlic butter. You'll NEVER eat regular garlic bread EVER again! #garlicbread #pullapartbread #crackbread | Littlespicejar.comWhen it comes to garlic bread, the hubby and I have pretty refined taste.

Um.. is that even possible? Garlic bread snobs? Ohkay. Yeah, we are. I’ll admit it. We like garlic bread that actually has garlic in it. IMAGINE THAT. How many times have we all been tricked into eating garlic bread that could truly be called buttered toast? You know what i’m talking about, right?

Well no more of that. This is one of the most FUN garlic bread recipes to serve your guests. Let’s admit it, as tasty as regular old garlic bread is, it’s not the center of attention. This crack bread stuffed with cheese is possibly the coolest centerpiece to serve when you’ve got guests over. Just a quick garlic butter action stuffed inside diagonally cut bread and then cheese it up and voila! Pull apart garlic bread! I sometimes want to be über selfish and share just 1 cutout with the hubby and binge eat the rest. When it comes to garlic bread, i’ve got major issues.

Cheesy Garlic Pull Apart Bread - Load bread stuffed with fresh mozzarella cheese and melted garlic butter. You'll NEVER eat regular garlic bread EVER again! #garlicbread #pullapartbread #crackbread | Littlespicejar.comNot only is it fun to eat it’s also easy to make. The hubs loved this recipe so much that he’s VOLUNTEERING to make this next time we have company. I think he wants to wow them with his garlicky bread skills.

This pull apart bread recipe is super fun to make if you’ve got any little ones around. They can totally help stuff the mozzarella cheese into the cuts.

Also how perfect is this for when football season starts? I don’t think anyone would actually be watching the game if you serve this cheesy garlic bread though. It’s truly the MVP.

Cheesy Garlic Pull Apart Bread - Load bread stuffed with fresh mozzarella cheese and melted garlic butter. You'll NEVER eat regular garlic bread EVER again! #garlicbread #pullapartbread #crackbread | Littlespicejar.comI’m going to dare you to NOT eat this straight from the oven. Waiting to dig into this pull apart bread until after I had taken the pictures was hard, not gonna lie. When perfectly melted mozzarella is oozing out of crispy bread and roasted garlic butter whispers your name, one can only practice so much self control.

Let me cure your midweek blues, all you need is a little pull apart bread in your life.

Yield: 4-6 servings

Cheesy Garlic Apart Bread

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes

Cheesy garlic pull apart bread that's stuffed with fresh mozzarella, minced garlic, butter, and parsley. This is such a fun, edible centerpiece that would be great to serve when you're entertaining!

Cheesy Garlic Apart Bread


  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 1/3 cup parsley
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 small loaf country or sour dough bread
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • salt to taste
  • 4 ounces deli sliced mozzarella cheese (or shredded)


  1. Combine the garlic cloves, parsley, and olive oil in a small food processor until the garlic breaks down into small pieces. If you're using sliced mozzarella, stack the cheese slices and cut into 1 inch squares.
  2. Heat the butter over medium heat in a small saucepan. When the butter melts, add the chopped garlic to the butter along with a pinch of salt and allow the mixture to cook for 2 minutes, stirring as necessary so the garlic does not brown. Remove from heat.
  3. Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 375ºF. Using a sharp serrated knife, make 1 inch diagonal cuts across the loaf of bread making sure you don't cut the bread all the way through. Use a spoon to drizzle the garlic butter into the the cuts of the bread. Stack 3-4 cheese squares and place them in the cuts. Place the garlic bread on a sheet of foil and fold up the sides. Use a second piece to cover the top (we'll be removing this later). Allow the bread to bake for 10 minutes. Remove the top piece of foil and allow the bread to bake for another 10 minutes or until the cheese melts completely. Serve warm.



Have you made this recipe?

I’d LOVE it if you could take a second to rate this recipe and leave a comment below. You can also share a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #LITTLESPICEJAR 🙂

Cheesy Garlic Pull Apart Bread - Load bread stuffed with fresh mozzarella cheese and melted garlic butter. You'll NEVER eat regular garlic bread EVER again! #garlicbread #pullapartbread #crackbread |

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